At the start of every year most people make new year resolutions around healthy living. Adopting good eating habits, dropping addictions, trying to sleep well and incorporating work outs in your lifestyle can be demanding.
It is important to understand what fitness means to you as there are many dimensions of fitness. Bodybuilders could be strong, but may not be very agile. Triathletes are likely to lean towards having good endurance. What are one's fitness options and how should one measure against them?
The following seven dimensions are what guided me throughout my life and I tend to move from one spot to another depending on what my goals are at the time.
1. Strength - How much can I lift?
2. Explosiveness - How fast I can accelerate?
3. Endurance - How long can I go at a steady pace?
4. Speed - How fast can I run for a short distance?
5. Agility - How quickly can I move from one point to another?
6. Flexibility - How elastic am I?
7. Fitness Prevention - Are weak part of my body looked after?